Management Development Programmes:
Managing People & Change Effectively

This 3-day residential programme has enduring popularity with corporate managers who are, typically, moving into management roles for the first time or need to build change and people management skills.

A core focus is on people & change management, this tailored programme is designed to promote the skills required to manage a business turnaround or significant change.

The programme builds a powerful insight into the process of change at a personal and organisational level. In addition it enhances self-awareness and people management skills which lead to effective delivery of staff potential and high levels of performance.

Particular emphasis is placed on building coaching skills.

ECC coaches have led such programmes in Ford of Europe, Rolls-Royce and Sophos. We have also gained cross-cultural insights into management and leadership development, having recently designed and delivered the ‘Leading a Winning Team’ series of programmes for UBS; the world's largest investment bank

Programme Leaders: Tony Chapman & Dawn Beadle

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